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PES 2010 Twitter Q&A [Live]

Written by Satria on 3:25 PM

zvy7i0 PSM 3 PES 2010 Twitter Q&A [Live]

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Question1: What did you mean with ‘no loading screens’?
“Unlike PES 2009, there’s no visible ‘stalling’ screen between the tactics menu and kick off. We’ve heard Konami reps rumour playing as one man, or similar, like FIFA as the game ‘loads’, but this wasn’t in code we played.”

Q2: What about the goalkeepers?
“They definitely spill the ball less, so less jammy rebound goals. BUT they are capable of insane reaction stops.”

Q3: Do you know when the demo will hit?
“No idea, sorry. Almost definitely post-Cologne (which is August 19th), but PES 2009 date was 2nd October.”

Q4: Will Bundesliga be in PES 2010?
“Konami told us it would be in PES 2010, but we haven’t seen it, and it’s not been confirmed by Konami Japan. More soon.”

Q5: Are the player names in block capitals (e.g. MESSI)?
“Er, we didn’t notice. And we DON’T CARE.”

Q6: Are the volleys different?
“Not played enough to tell, but chest control takes longer for less skilled players.”

Q7: Has running changed?
“Noticeable difference from walking to running in terms of response depending on player ability. As a result, a lot of your best work is done at walking pace using quick passes and subtle feints - it took us hours to adjust”

Q8: What effect do the tactical sliders have?
“Make a clear, visible difference to team attitude, off-the-ball support and AI pressing. Impressive, all told”

Q9: What about the commentary?
“Sounded same as PES 2009 to us, since it’s not been updated yet. No need to worry yet.”

Q10: Does the keeper still does auto-shots?
“Sorry, didn’t notice. It wasn’t annoying, let’s just say that.”

Q11: Is there a power bar for passing?
“Once again, didn’t notice, but passes were pressure-dependent, and player dependent.”

Q12: Can you change tactics sliders on the fly?
“Not in the code we played, but this may still be work in progress.”

Q13: Is the second defender (square button) more effective?
“I didn’t test, sorry - but it was definitely harder to score, and much harder to find space without being closed down.

Q14: Is there a full 3d crowd?
“Yes. But there’s a a lot of identical looking men, sat in oddly symmetrical patterns - but it’s definitely better”

Q15: Do you know if 2v2 online (guest mode like it was in PS2’s PES 6) is back?
“PES 2010 uses ‘an enhanced version’ of the PES6 system, claim Konami Japan. Our hope? Yes.”

Q16: Do players still run like they ate a fork?
A tiny bit, but new mo-cap animations are being implemented as we speak. Judgement: withheld.”

Q17: Do you know anything about weather settings? e.g. snow weather, dynamicly changing weather?
“We played in rain on super early code, and it made the screen very dark and grey - it must be placeholder.”

Q18: Does it have 360° dribbling?
“PES 2010 not 360 dribbling, but twisting/feinting at walking pace very responsive.”

Q19: Will there be only lobby hosting?
“It’s not confirmed, but we were told Sony will host, i.e. like most other PS3 games.”

Q20: Did they finally get online right?
“Konami must be confident about online, since they were talking about a ‘closed’ pre-release code trial. They can’t mess it up again.”

Q21: Will Old Trafford be in?
“Man U should be licenced, and Anfield is in PES 2010, so we hope: yes.”

Q22: Do players still freeze after freekicks?
“Post free-kick freezing has gone. Good.”

Q23: The ‘top line stats’ seem to be wrong (e.g. Torres only 80), what do you think?
“See our recent blog for more. It could be that condition affects the ‘top line’ stat, too - Konami to confirm.”

Q24: Do players still feel like they are ‘on trails’?
“Not especially, there was less of that ‘train rail’ dragging thing defenders get near the line.”

Q25: Why is there the ability to turn player cards off?
“Since it may clash with your tactics sliders – but we need to play more to test their finer impact.”

Q26: Some news about the editor?
“Konami: ‘more items such as boots which may alter gameplay. Also, imported audio files can be used for more areas.’ ”

Q27: Did they tell you when they started to do motion capture sessions?
“Don’t know officially - in terms of initial mo-cap tests - but there was the Barca/Messi event on the official PES 2010 blog.”

Q28: Should we worry about PES 2010?
“No. 50% code suggests more refinement/consolidation than revolution, but there’s LOADS left to show.”

Q29: How is the new penalty system?
“Like the old one, but less digital, so shot directions need to be ‘held’ more precisely.”

Q30: What about shooting?
“Long-range ’screamer’ shots back for PES 2010.”

Q31: Are the nets still hold down by sandbags in PES 2010?
“No, they have normal bars around it now.”

Q32: If you have played FIfa 10, which do you prefer?
“That’s the killer question. And it’s too early to call, either way. Sorry. We’ve always been pro-Pro Evo, but are open minded.”

Q33: Did chants improve?
“Chants being reworked, with bespoke importing options said to be improved.”
VN:F [1.5.3_794]

Tips Mempercepat Koneksi Modem IM2

Written by Satria on 3:22 PM

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Jumlah pengguna layanan akses internet broadband wireless IM2 saat ini sudah melebihi batas. Akibatnya kecepatan koneksi menjadi sangat lambat pada jam-jam tertentu.

Bagi pengguna modem 3,5G bawaan IM2 merek ZTE MF622 tips ini mungkin bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan kecepatan koneksi yang mulai lelet.

Gantilah kabel bawaan modem ZTE tersebut dengan kabel sejenis yang lebih panjang. Kabel tersebut bisa dibeli di toko-toko komputer atau kamera digital.

Kabel tersebut berfungsi sebagai antenna eksternal. Terbukti dengan kabel bawaan saya hanya berhasil mendapatkan 1 bar sinyal. Sedangkan dengan kabel panjang itu bisa menjadi 3 bar. Kecepatan koneksipun meningkat.

Selamat mencoba!

Setting GPRS 3

Written by Satria on 8:49 PM

it's so simple
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Setting GPRS
Data Bearer: GPRS
Access point name: 3gprs
User name: 3gprs
Password: 3gprs
Phone IP Address: Automatic
Proxy Server Address:
Proxy port number: 3128


Written by Satria on 4:23 PM

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Step By Step setting Bluetooth Modem Ubuntu pake ponsel

Written by Satria on 4:15 PM

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Step By Step setting Bluetooth Modem Ubuntu

DI milis ubuntu-id sering kali muncul pertanyaan bagaimana cara setting internet gprs dengan bluetooth sebagai modem , saya akan coba berbagi pengalaman cara setting bluetooth modem, tentunya setting ini juga bisa di gunakan untuk distro linux lainnya ( semoga ) , mohon maaf sebelumnya jika ada bingung dengan tulisan saya ini, maklum baru belajar ngeblog. oke langsung aja yah…

Perangkat saya:

Ubuntu Feisty 7.04

Usb Bluetooth Dongle Billionton

Handphone T68i

Kartu simcard im3

Install gnome-bluetooth dan bluez-gnome( optimal )

$ sudo apt-get install gnome-bluetooth bluez-gnome

Cek bluetooth dongle dengan command lsusb

$ lsusb | grep Bluetooth
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0a12:0001 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode)

Edit file /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf yang perlu di ganti adalah pada bagian options, set security auto, dan passkey “1234?, ubah angka 1234 sesuai dengan selera anda. saya sendiri tidak merubah passkey default. ini maksudnya adalah ketika kita inisiasi pairing dari device, ubuntu akan secara otomatis menerima dengan passkey yang sudah kita tentukan tadi.

$ sudo gedit /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf

Pada baris

security user;

Ganti dengan

security auto;

Restart bluetooth service

$ sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart

Selanjutnya lakukan pairing bluetooth , biar saling berkenalan gitu bluetoothnya…
Lakukan pairing dari device ( hp anda ) jika di tanya passkey masukan saja 1234 password standard ini ada di file /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf setelah pairing sukses lanjutkan langkah anda.

Cari MAC address bluetooh hp anda dengan command hcitool scan jangan lupa setting bluetooth di hp discoverable.

$ hcitool scan
Scanning …
00:80:37:7E:EC:30 T68i

00:80:37:7E:EC:30 ini adalah MAC address bluetooth hp saya T68i

Selanjutnya cari cahnnel dial up nya dengan command sdptool searh DUN

masjito@blueinside:~$ sdptool searh DUN
Inquiring …
Searching for DUN on 00:80:37:7E:EC:30 …
Service Name: Dial-up Networking
Service RecHandle: 0×10000
Service Class ID List:
“Dialup Networking” (0×1103)
“Generic Networking” (0×1201)
Protocol Descriptor List:
“L2CAP” (0×0100)
“RFCOMM” (0×0003)
Channel: 1
Profile Descriptor List:
“Dialup Networking” (0×1103)
Version: 0×0100

Dari hasil di atas maka di ketahui bahwa channel untuk dialup networking ada di channel 1
Setelah mengetahui MAC address dan channel edit file /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf
buat seperti ini, sesuaikan saja dengan mac address dan channel dari hp anda.

$ sudo gedit /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf

rfcomm0 {
bind yes;

device 00:80:37:7E:EC:30;

channel 1;

comment “Bluetooth Modem”;


Selanjutnya jalankan command berikut ini…

$ sudo rfcomm bind 0


$ sudo rfcomm bind 0 00:80:37:7E:EC:30 1

edit file /etc/wvdial.conf

sudo gedit /etc/wvdial.conf

Berikut file contoh wvdial.conf saya.

#wvdial.conf untuk bluetooth modem,
#jika anda menggunakan kabel data ganti sesuai modem anda
#Modem = /dev/ttyACM0
#untuk kartu indosat ( im3 dan mentari )
[Dialer indosat]
Modem = /dev/rfcomm0
Baud = 460800
Init1 =ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
Init3 = at+cgdcont=1,”ip”,”indosatgprs”
Modem Type = Analog Modem
ISDN = 0
Phone = *99***1#
Username = “indosat”
Password = “indosat”

#untuk kartu xl
[Dialer xlgprs]
Modem = /dev/rfcomm0
Baud = 460800
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
Init3 = at+cgdcont=1,”ip”,””
Modem Type = Analog Modem
ISDN = 0
Phone = *99***1#
Username = “xlgprs”
Password = “proxl”

#untuk telkomsel ( simpati, as dan hallo )
[Dialer telkomsel]
Modem = /dev/rfcomm0
Baud = 460800
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
Init3 = at+cgdcont=1,”ip”,”telkomsel”
Modem Type = Analog Modem
ISDN = 0
Phone = *99***1#
Username = “wap”
Password = “wap123?

#untuk kartu flexi
[Dialer flexi]
Modem = /dev/rfcomm0
Baud = 460800
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
Init3 = at+crm=1;+cso=33
Modem Type = Analog Modem
ISDN = 0
Phone = #777
Username = “telkomnet@flexi”
Password = “telkom”

#untuk kartu starone
[Dialer starone]
Modem = /dev/rfcomm0
Baud = 460800
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
Init3 = at+crm=1;+cso=33
Modem Type = Analog Modem
ISDN = 0
Phone = #777
Username = “starone”
Password = “indosat”

Oke sekarang coba lakukan dial dengan command

$ wvdial


masjito@blueinside:~$ wvdial xlgprs
masjito@blueinside:~$ wvdial indosat
masjito@blueinside:~$ wvdial flexi
masjito@blueinside:~$ wvdial starone

jangan tutup konsole selama anda conect internet
untuk disconect cukup ketik ctrol + c

masalah masalah yang mungkin terjadi :

Berhasil konek tapi tidak bisa browsing,

Coba shutdown koneksi interface lainnya dengan command $ sudo ifdown < interface >

$ sudo ifdown ath0
$ sudo ifdown eth0

Berhasil konek tetapi tidak lama disconect dengan pesan error seperti ini…

–> The PPP daemon has died: Lack of LCP echo responses (exit code = 15)
–> man pppd explains pppd error codes in more detail.
–> I guess that’s it for now, exiting
–> Provider is overloaded(often the case) or line problem.
–> The PPP daemon has died. (exit code = 15)

Edit file /etc/ppp/options

$ sudo gedit /etc/ppp/options

Cari baris

lcp-echo-failure 4

Rubah jadi seperti ini

lcp-echo-failure 0

Bagaimana kalau ganti hp:

yah edit lagi file /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf


$ sudo rfcomm bind release 0

$sudo rfcomm bind 0 < Channel>

Catatan : saya belum mencoba configurasi di atas untuk modem bluetooth dengan handphone cdma , jika ada yang berhasil tolong kasih tau…
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